Weight Loss/Eating Disorders

Any weight issue and eating disorder is powered by emotional causes of which most people are completely unaware of. The reason why hypnotherapy is by far more effective than any diet or other program is that those causes can be easily uncovered and worked with so the fuel supply to emotional eating or purging is disconnected making it easy to eat appropriately and keep doing so, so a healthy weight is restored.

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”

Hypnosis Over 30 Times as Effective for Weight Loss

Investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females, at least 20% overweight. Treatment included group hypnosis with metaphors for ego-strengthening, decision making and motivation, ideomotor exploration in individual hypnosis, and group hypnosis with maintenance suggestions. Hypnosis was more effective than a control group: an average of 17 lbs lost by the hypnosis group vs. an average of 0.5 lbs lost by the control group, on follow-up.

Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.

Two Years Later: Hypnosis Subjects Continued To Lose Significant Weight

109 people completed a behavioural treatment for weight management either with or without the addition of hypnosis. At the end of the 9-week program, both interventions resulted in significant weight reduction. At 8-month and 2-year follow-ups, the hypnosis subjects were found to have continued to lose significant weight, while those in the behavioral-treatment-only group showed little further change.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1985)

Hypnosis Subjects Lost More Weight Than 90% of Others and Kept it Off

Researchers analyzed 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioural therapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self- monitoring, or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis.

Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended.

University of Connecticut, Storrs Allison DB, Faith MS. Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy for obesity: a meta-analytic reappraisal. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1996;64(3):513-516.

Hypnosis can more than double the effects of traditional weight loss approaches

An analysis of five weight loss studies reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 showed that the “… weight loss reported in the five studies indicates that hypnosis can more than double the effects” of traditional weight loss approaches.

University of Connecticut, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 (Vol. 64, No. 3, pgs 517-519). Stop Smoking

Smoking is said to be an addiction. There is nothing furthest from the truth because like any habit, the way it was taken on it can be un-triggered.

Thinking that you have an addiction is disempowering and as long as you think you have no power over your habit you will keep that habit.

The very first thing you need to realise is that you can choose to be smoke-free for the rest of your life. Becoming smoke-free will be easier than you ever previously thought with the help of hypnosis.

Whether you are a heavy smoker or a social smoker, whether you smoke tobacco or don’t seem to be able to come off you other kinds of smoke hypnosis will make it easy for you to overcome the urge to smoke and stay smoke-free for the rest of your life once you have made your decision to be smoke-free.

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”

Stop Smoking

Hypnosis has the highest successful rate among smokers, where up to 90% remain smoke-free at check-ups between 6 months to 2 years.

University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.|

Hypnosis Most Effective Says Largest Study Ever: 3 Times as Effective as Patch and 15 Times as Effective as Willpower.

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone.

University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992

Hypnosis More Effective Than Drug Interventions For Smoking Cessation

Group hypnosis sessions, evaluated at a less effective success rate (22% success) than individualized hypnosis sessions. However, group hypnosis sessions were still demonstrated here as being more effective than drug interventions.

Ohio State University, College of Nursing, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Descriptive outcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio hypnotherapy smoking cessation program. Ahijevych K, Yerardi R, Nedilsky N.



“Today I Have to do this and this and this and I better start doing that, that I should have started last week…” This kind of thought is what pops up into our mind earlish in the morning if not as soon as we get up however days and weeks go by and probably only one or two of those items on our To-Do list have been ticked off. Until it is impossible to avoid doing that task which but then we have a real issue because now we have a limited amount of time available and so we set to doing it against our will and the chances of that being given the attention it deserves is very low with obvious results of lower quality than planned and probably resulting in being exhausted mentally and physically from rushing especially when a few deadlines are close to one another.

Why is it that the harder we try to do what we are supposed to do the easier we give in and do something more pleasurable instead?

The reason is that the subconscious mind operates through the Pleasure principle and because the subconscious mind is many times more powerful than our conscious mind (the will-power) we inevitably do things that bring us pleasure rather than anything else.

In some cases putting off doing things often hides a fear of failure masked by what comes across as laziness whereas the issue that needs attention is low self-esteem.

Resolving any possible self-esteem issues first and then visualising having reached the goal and the feelings associated with it will empower any procrastinator to take the reins of their life in their hands and be proactive about it.

Working with the subconscious mind is central to hypnotherapy so you are bound to get the results

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”



Having a creeping doubt that our sexuality may be different or making a realisation that we are different and struggling to accept the facts or deciding to confront the people around us about our sexuality can be downright scary!

Many people although not homophobic anymore would find it difficult to accept that they or someone they know, in particular their own children are of a different sexuality than expected. This creates a lot of anxiety that can turn into depression in worst cases as we feel at a crossroads and at the same time we feel lost and scared to walk a different path.

Self-confidence is paramount in accepting ourselves for who we are and thus being able to handle the reaction of others at the news.

If you are struggling with a doubt about your sexuality hypnotherapy is great for finding out who we really are and what we really want in life, enabling huge insight in our present and past situations that clear the path to our future, a brighter future.

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”


Lost Items

How many times we need something and think we know where it is but when we go get it it is not there and after hours if not days of searching that item is still nowhere to be found?

It happens more often than we like to think and most often we can put up with the volatilisation until eventually we have a sudden illumination or we simply find the object by chance, however sometimes the lost item is a valuable one and it we cannot accept its loss, nor we want to even think of having to report the lost item to family and friends, for example in the case of a lost engagement ring or a sum of money.

Hypnosis can help greatly and easily in these cases as under correct guidance it is easy to retrace the steps that lead you to lose the item and so you can be reunited again to your dear item

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”


Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is often seen like something magical and with good reasons! One of this being the lack of complete explanation of how the mind works during hypnosis.

PLRs can be a guided experience but may also happen spontaneously during therapy.  Whether solicited or not a PLR is often a metaphor or fantasy which is put together by the subconscious mind simply to enable resolution of an issue or symptom in the form of understanding and acceptance of a certain bothering even or even simply the understanding one’s own general life experience.

During hypnosis the mind pulls out memories of experiences related to the suggestions given by the hypnotherapist that are to enable positive changes in us and this happens by putting together memories and imagination in a way that makes the us gain insight about our symptom, about ourselves and our past experiences.

Despite most of PLR being a creation of the subconscious mind there have been studies that have proven that in certain PLRs the subconscious mind tapped in to previous lives’ memories however this would not be the norm and it is not something that we have to necessarily believe!  The fact remains that PLR is always an incredible experience as our mind is transported in to another time and place and it is literally like being there and then and the insights that come from this kind of experiences are always amazing!

Before starting PLR we can set the intention to have a specific issue resolved or it can be carried out with a general intention of healing and without a doubt the subconscious mind will do what is supposed to do!

Remember: “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”


On Corporate page there will be a banner like in the Home page showing the following figures. Figures should be animated as agreed). At some stage a video will go on the banner too.



The figures above show in brief the impact of stress and mental illness in the workplace.


Further down the below text 




About Absenteeism and Mental Health in the workplace

Mental health seems to have an increasing importance in people’s lives and employers and the workplace should reflect an openness to facilitate strategies for maintaining the mental health of all workers, irrespective of previous history of mental difficulties.

A large proportion of Ireland’s corporate employees suffer from concerning levels of stress, anxiety and depression, a new study has found.


VHI has published the first in a series of in-depth research reports into the health of Ireland’s corporate employees, which focuses on mental health in the workplace (20th Jun 2018).

A total of 78% of those surveyed believe mental health issues are of increasing concern, while 67% say they need to take more care of their mental health.

The report found that more than one in five corporate employees feel extremely or very stressed. Of those employees under the age of 34, one-quarter of those surveyed said they find life extremely or very stressful.

Of all corporate employees surveyed, 41% think that the amount of stress in their lives now is more than five years ago.

33% said that the stress in their jobs would cause them to consider moving jobs.


The survey presented five options to consider in order to maintain or improve the respondents’ mental health including a mindfulness course, digital support, counselling, and workplace discussions about mental health.

Mindfulness was the most popular option with 67% having a willingness to take a course on the topic.

Digital support came in second place, while the least popular option being to discuss mental health issues with an employer.


Mental health is a societal issue that employers cannot afford simply to ignore. Despite the efforts made in the last 10-15 years to overcome the stigma related to mental health issues a recent survey by the UK anti-stigma organisation Time to Change found that two thirds of respondents saw fear of stigma as a reason not to inform their employer (or prospective employer) about their mental health problems.

In a similar study, more than nine out of ten members of the public believed that admitting to mental health problems would damage an individual’s employment prospects.

Sadly, Ireland is no different. See Change, the national stigma reduction partnership, surveyed more than 1,000 adults in relation to their attitudes to mental illness.

  • 56% stated that, if they had a mental health problem, they would not want others to know
  • 41% said they would hide their mental health problem from a friend
  • 24% said they would hide it from their family
  • 57% felt being open about a mental health problem at work would damage their career prospects.

The worrying part is that, in some cases, they might be right.


Unfortunately there is increasing evidence of poor mental health within the workplace. Therefore, while work is important for mental health, it is no guarantee against poor mental health and in some instances can be a contributory factor to mental health problems.

Not surprisingly, therefore, there are high levels of absenteeism, lost productivity and early retirement due to mental health problems.


Data collected by the Mental Health Economics European Network (MHEEN) confirm a trend of increasing absenteeism and early retirement due to poor mental health across Europe for both men and women.

According to many reports on unplanned absenteeism the most common reason for short-term absences is an illness.

According to IBEC reports ongoing medical issues are usually responsible for some long-term absence, however mental health is the third cause of long-term absenteeism among men and the second cause among women personnel.


Sources: The Economics of Mental health in Ireland, Advance Systems.ie, Healthy Ireland Survey 2016 – Dept. of Health, The journal.ie – VHI report on Employees’ Mental Health 2018 and Mental Health at Work, The Economics of Mental Health Care in Ireland, NUI Galway, Research and surveys~Employer_issues~ibec-guide-to-managing-absence.pdf



Stress is a highly contributory factor to the development of mental issues and it is imperative that the management implement tactics to manage stress effectively in the workplace.

So what you can do to promote and maintain mental wellbeing in your workplace with an aim to minimise absenteeism, increase motivation and maximising productivity?


I am passionate about promoting and enabling personal empowerment and self-development / improvement.
I do this in my private practice enabling people to get back on track in their life and helping them to achieve their goals to shape a better future.

I can bring this to your company to increase motivation, focus and combat stress for maximising your employees’ potential.


The use of regular mindfulness and meditation has been shown to effectively reduce stress. By reducing stress we build on natural resiliency, a much needed skill in a challenging work environment. The amount of resiliency of each person is an indicator of the emotional strength available to efficiently bounce back from the challenges of everyday life.


The use of visualisation for increased motivation and performance has long been used and is well renowned especially in the sports scene where it is common daily practice for any serious athlete.

Go the extra mile for your employees to ensure a balanced work environment where they get the opportunity to regularly distress deeply enabling them to build the resiliency necessary to juggle a fast-paced environment and the stress of everyday life with the increased bonus of a sharper focus and renewed motivation maximizing their natural skills for increased productivity and diminished absenteeism.


All information contained in this website is for information purposes only. Information contained in this website should not be used by you as medical advice or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. No claims are herewith made that any hypnotherapy treatment can cure any medical condition